Sunday, May 22, 2011

May 2011 Piano, Violin, Braces and Cast Removal

On Sunday, May8, Paula Johnson held her usual end of school year concert. It was Mother's Day, but we had it anyway. Paula has always been a blessing to our lives. I've written of her often. I don't play the piano that well, but I made it a goal to give my children music lessons. I always thought that it is one gift from Heavenly Father that you can take with you to heaven, and you can use it to bring joy to others all your life. Elizabeth and Nikole are thriving, under Paula's teachings. We took a little trip away from her while she was in South America, but now, two years later, we're back under her tutilage, and it's wonderful.

You'll also see Carl with his little violin. He started taking lessons from Miss Melanie (Moulton) t his past fall. She has a points system, where if you earn 50 points by practicing, you get to get into her treasure chest. She says he's gotten in by far, more than any other student! He's a gifted, little musician. He also had a recital recently. Nikole, Elizabeth and Carl are showing their awards they earned.

On Tuesday, May3, Nikole got braces on her teeth by Dr. Hillam of Idaho Falls. She's like most young people, I think. She was excited to have them put on, now not quite as excited to have them. This is a shot of her, prepping her mouth, wide open, for the braces that day.

And here we have Elizabeth at Dr. Brown's office, with Nurse Stephanie, starting to saw the last of the two casts off her leg. This was in April, so she was almost done with her leg regimen; only four weeks of a walking boot to go!