Monday, June 27, 2011

Derek's Wisdom Teeth Come Out, June 2011

Derek needed to have all four widom teeth removed. What better time than on summer vacation? Ha. He went to Dr. Marshall, here in Driggs, who did a great job. When Derek got home that morning, in these pictures, you may see that he couldn't walk straight, and he couldn't hold anything in his mouth, without drooling it down the front of him. He even notice until we pointed it out, so we placed a "bib" around his neck to help him out.

We also thought it was funny, that he kept asking when his adult wisdom teeth would come in. He finally understood that wisdom teeth are come in once, never again. He also thought he has 8 wisdom teeth, so was happy to find out he only had to have four out : )

Elder Trenton Argyle's Homecoming, June 26, 2011

The most Ripplingers we've had together in a long time gathered at Clint and Sherry Argyle's home in Spanish Fork to celebrate Elder Trenton Argyle's Homecoming from his mission in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Argyles came, too, on Saturday night.

It was great to see Trent again, he's better than ever. We swam at Seven Peaks on Saturday, jumped on the trampoline, and went to a pond to try and see toads. A few of these pictures show the one little frog that we found. We thought we could see some eyeballs out in the pond. We are told that last year, they found large toads that were about 6 inches across, but no such luck for us.

Seven Peaks in Provo - Sunscreen = Roasted Blaine

Blaine said that he was sure he covered himself in the sunscreen, but a day later, it sure doesn't look like it. We had a grand time at Seven Peaks in Provo, but now some have to pay the price.

First Light by Rebecca Stead

I just finished reading First Light. Our librarian had originally recommended it for Elizabeth, who is 11, but I wanted to read it first. It is a nice story about a young man from New York City, who goes to Greenland, with his father and mother. He discovers a new land, under the ice, and also finds out his mother is from the "tribe" that lives in Gracehope.