Thursday, January 27, 2011

Patriarchial Blessing

A couple of weeks before Christmas Break, Blaine gave the Family Home Evening Lesson on Patriarchial Blessings. It was good, and I kind of wondered why now? But, Derek was listening closely, and Blaine's purpose was realized, when Derek decided to get his Patriarchial blessing during the break, so Heather could be home to be with him. Heather had told him that whenever he decided to have it, she wanted to be there. He called our Stake Patriarch, and set up the date and time.
You have to know that Derek is an extremely wonderful youth. He is true and faithful in all things. He is smart, athletic, kind, fun, quiet and nice looking. And he has always been good to his mother, so she loves him dearly.
At any rate, Nikole was invited to go with him for the blessing, along with his mom and dad and his older sister. This is a snapshot of us right before we headed over to Patriarch Kunz' home in Cedron.
It was one of those spiritual events when you feel like if you opened your eyes during the blessing, you would see the angels, including many relatives that have gone before, we surely felt them there.
One of the shining star moments in the life of a parent and the child.

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