Thursday, September 8, 2011

Derek, Cross Country Race at Cardinal Classic, September 3, 2011

This was Derek's Cardinal Classic Cross Country Race at Soda Springs on September 3, 2011. He had started the year at the Mud Run in Idaho Falls, and placed in the top 5 there. He was starting to get the awful stomach back, from last year. By the next week, the Targhee Challenge, he hurt so badly, he didn't get to race that one.
Meanwhile, Blaine had given special Father's blessings for school, and the next night, Grandpa Ripp and Dad gave him an annointing blessing with the oil from the Garden of Gethsamane that Heather brought home from her Israel trip. We all prayed and prayed that he would be healed.
If you read his Father's blessing, he is to heal completely and be able to run really fast.
At this Cardinal Classic, he had to run JV, because he had missed one meet. He had to earn his way back on to Varsity.
We had been to see my friend, Dr. Dwayne Hansen, in Rexburg. He's an internist. He gave Derek some pionted suggestions of what to eat, when and how to run. Derek came right home, that Monday, and tried the advice, and it seemed to work! So, he ran very well at this race. He was the 5th man in the JV race. Blaine and I traveled to support him. It was a beautiful day.

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